Clear to partly cloudy. Low 54F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph..
Clear to partly cloudy. Low 54F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph.
A blood drive will be held at the Garrett College Career & Technology Training Center from noon to 6 p.m. Sept. 19. The center is located at 116 Industrial Park Dr., Accident.
The Deep Creek Volunteer Fire Company has announced that its 10th annual crab and shrimp feast on Sept. 10. Doors will open at 3 p.m. and crabs will be served from 5-8 p.m. There will also be musical entertainment and other activities.
The cost per ticket is a donation of $65, and tickets are now available at Tickets are also available from any member.
The meals will include all-you-can-eat crabs, shrimp, corn on the cob and a variety of other foods, including crab soup. Sodas and water will be provided by Slopeside Market and beer will be supplied by Wantz Distributors. Guests must be 21 years or older to consume alcohol.
The Deer Park Community Volunteer Fire Department is currently raising funds to replace its hydraulic spreader-cutter (Jaws of Life) equipment. This apparatus is used to extricate of trapped person from a vehicle accident, and a unit costs over $32,000. Any donations toward this expenditure, or toward operating expenses in general, would be appreciated and may be sent to the fire department at P.O. Box 3152, Deer Park, MD 21550.
A “Read Together Book Club” meets the first Friday of each month at the Grantsville Library. The next meeting is Sept. 2 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. All are invited to attend, and to relax and read quietly with other literature lovers.
All branches of the Ruth Enlow Library will be closed Sept. 5 in observance of Labor Day.
St. John’s Lutheran Church of Meadow Mountain will return to the 9 a.m. worship service on Sunday, Sept. 11.
The Rev. Nancy Knol has been elected pastor of Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Bittinger, The installation is scheduled for 6 p.m. Sept. 14, with a reception to follow.
A multi-family yard sale is planned from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 1-2 at the Accident Volunteer Fire Department in Accident.
This will include baby items including clothing, women’s clothing and accessories and household items.
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